What is ERP Scop?
Our ERP-SCOP is an Enterprise Resource Management System,
designed to automate processes related to an organization’s
information management.
At the forefront of continuous improvement and specialization flows,
this business system was developed to automate processes and adapt
to the needs of small, medium and large companies in multiple and diverse
industries. Currently, it is used by companies in the retail, agricultural, hotel
and service sectors, which daily confirm the facilities it provides in their
simple and intuitive workflows.
The capabilities of the ERP-SCOP system and its benefits mark a quantitative
and qualitative leap in terms of control, process management and productivity
in all the companies in which we are present.
Developed strictly under current tax and commercial regulations!
Main Features

All the information is stored in a centralized
way, interconnecting each of the areas of the company.

It is a scalable system, built from a set of
modules that serve basic functionalities,
which can be expanded to needs with a higher
degree of specialization, according to the
needs of the business.

It is configurable, since it allows to take
information to different levels of need,
establishing the parameters for its use,
centralizing the information to be exploited
by the accounting module.

It is safe, since it allows to establish roles and
permissions of use totally configurable, added
to a security module integrated
to the application.

How do we support your business?
Thanks to our adaptability, we are able to offer services for every type of need. The timely and quality information produced by the ERP-SCOP system, provides an increase in the performance of business management, helps the decision making process, reduces process costs, by having clearly defined and standardized processes and increases competitiveness.
In addition, we are able to prevent redundancy and duplication of data, automate heavy and repetitive tasks, increase security and have a common source of information that is constantly improving.
Learn more about our software in its official web site
Succesfull Stories
Our clients tell their stories
“The ERP-Scop by Data Consulting has been a comprehensive tool for managing our business. With its intuitive interface and features, we have managed to centralize all our business processes on a single platform. The integration with the electronic billing system has been particularly beneficial, as we have eliminated manual invoicing, reducing paper usage, and achieving significant time savings by reducing processing times”

“The services of the E-Factura system and Data Consulting’s ERP-Scop have been a revolution for our company. Previously, we were dealing with an issue in invoice issuance. Now, with their integrated solution, we have improved our productivity, reduced costs, and gained complete visibility into our operations, enhancing our relationship with potential clients. Their system has truly been instrumental in advancing our business”