Our Products

In today’s competitive business world, having the right tools to optimize your operations and make informed decisions is essential. At DataConsulting, we understand your unique needs and have developed a range of products designed to address your specific business challenges.


We have created an ERP that not only addresses standard needs, but adapts to the particularities of your business. This comprehensive solution optimizes business management and improves decision making.


Companies often use third-party systems or software that integrate with the APIs provided by SUNAT. These systems allow companies to generate and send these documents electronically, complying with the requirements and standards established by SUNAT.

Data Interfaces

Consists in the migration from interfaces and FTP servers to read CSV files with the necessary data for invoicing in the E-Factura system.

Acquisitions or Purchasing System

Acquisitions was developed to manage all of the company’s procurement through a web-based platform. These types of systems are common in many organizations and can be very beneficial in optimizing and streamlining the procurement process for goods and services.

Key functions:

1.Purchase Requests: Users can submit purchase requests through the system, specifying the goods or services required.
2. Approvals: Purchase requests can be reviewed and approved by the appropriate people within the organization before proceeding with the procurement.
3.Supplier Selection: Tools to find and choose suitable suppliers.
4. Quotations and Negotiation: Allows you to request quotations from suppliers and carry out negotiation processes to obtain the best offers.
5. Order Management: Generates orders based on requests and accepted quotations.

Finance System

A finance system in the business environment consists of processes, tools and procedures to manage and control the financial aspects of an organization.

Key features:

1. Accounting Management: Records financial transactions, including revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities, maintaining an accurate record.
2. Revenue Management: Tracks and manages revenues from sales, investments and financing.
3. Expense Management: Records and controls operating and capital expenditures, identifying areas for financial improvement.
4. Asset and Liability Management: Manages assets such as property and inventory, and liabilities such as loans and debt.
5. Reporting and Analysis: Generates financial reports and detailed performance analysis.
6. Integration: Connects with systems such as human resources or customer management for complete visibility.
7. Data Security: Protects the confidentiality and integrity of financial data.

The data backs us up
+ 0
E-Factura Customers
+ 0
Erp-Scop Customers
+ 0 miliones
Electronic Invoices issued